Nicholas Caro - Pioneering Refractive Surgeon

Thursday, February 22, 2007

The FBI visited Dean Andrew Kantis not too long ago. For those who have not heard, Dean Kantis was approached by the FBI Fort Lauderdale Division for an arising suspicion of unethical behavior and extortion.

Thursday, February 15, 2007


Wah, Wah, Wah......

Dean Andrew Kantis boasts at being a succesfull business MAN. After sending an extortion letter to a Doctor and his children with threats, he was then visited by the FBI at his residence. I wonder what your neighbors think of you and your wife, Jennifer Kantis. Now he has stooped to the act of a Child by crying relentlessly to the teachers of the college students to no avail. It seems that Dean Andrew Kantis needs to seek an adult to fight his battles. Next he will have his mother, Cassandra Earle Gordon, or his wife, Jennifer Kantis ---- to fight his battles.

Grow up Dean Andrew Kantis
Attack someone your own chronological age and stop hiding behind the internet and other adults.

-Trial Lawyer Truth

Sunday, February 04, 2007

FBI visits Dean Andrew Kantis and Jennifer Kantis residence....Dean Kantis appears to have stuped to the ultimate low. Dean Andrew Kantis has not only gone after a doctor against his family, but also two college students, one of whom is hearing impaired. I wonder what Jennifer Kantis's superiors at Broward Community College feel about a professor attacking a hearing-impaired college student. I wonder if the local TV stations would be interested in a story of two adults; one a college professor attacking students and hearing impaired students in general, and another frustrated for the fact he can't extort $50,00 from a doctor, who is clearly innocent. Would would EVER wish to work with either Dean Andrew Kantis or Jennifer Kantis?