Nicholas Caro - Pioneering Refractive Surgeon

Monday, May 07, 2007

Dean Kantis has propogated a slew of commentary against a mileu of persons, whether they be family-related, physician, or companies such as Carnation foods. Who in their right mind would claim themself to be a god-like figure? Not since the times of Alexander the Great and so on have we heard such illusions of prowess. Dean Andrew Kantis alongside his wife Jennifer Kantis (it can be safely said as of today) condone behavior that is both inadequate and dillusionary. Moreso, such rhetoric has shown itself to be racist, as seen with Dean Kantis's claims against Dr. Jaswant Pannu. The fact, most realistically seen, is that Dean Andrew Kantis is just as mortal as the rest of humanity. A prime example would be his encounter with the FBI this past March. His extortionist behavior can been seen as unwarranted and unethical. Dean Kantis seemed to believe that his God-like persona would flood the minds of all into thinking he was right period. However, he was and will always be mistaken. For further insught into this matter, please consult the following search engines to observe the breadth of commentary made regarding Dean Kantis's actions:

Search Google For "Dean Andrew Kantis"

Search Yahoo! For "Dean Andrew Kantis"

Search AOL For "Dean Andrew Kantis"


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