Nicholas Caro - Pioneering Refractive Surgeon

Monday, March 26, 2007

Dean Andrew Kantis. and Wife Jennifer Kantis several weeks ago, received word from the FBI regarding thier flagrant extortion letter against the doctor, his family, and several other opththalmologists on the grounds that the LASIK procedure, which has witnessed over six million satisfied patients worldwide, is one that provokes inadequate results. Concerning his atrocious remarks against the doctor, he has illustrated to me that his aims are not that far off from someone who is completely deranged. Quite recently, Dean Kantis has recevied some interesting observations from a fellow named "Ragnar," who accurately in my opinion, justifies the reasoning behind Dean Andrew Kantis's behavior. Mr. "Ragnar" writes that "When you think about it... the average person has an IQ of 100 - which I consider to be dumb. But there is nothing wrong with being dumb as long as they mind their own business. There are also a LOT of mentally ill people around. Doctors should think about trying to screen out lunatics such as Kantis from having surgery. " As per my observations of Dean Kantis's website and blog entries, I completely agree with "Ragnar's" speculations on Dean Andrew Kantis. Dean Kantis is clearly an individual whose aims do not follow with that of his anti-LASIK advocacy. For those who wish to take a further look at "Ragnar's" commentary on Dean Kantis's actions, click on the following link:


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