LIAR! LIAR! LIAR!Dean Andrew Kantis (alias: “SpeedyRocket and Johnny”)
Up to this point I have not attempted to respond to Dean Kantis’ fanatical ravings. However, after this last blog, I feel compelled to address your lies. First let me add that what doesn’t cease to amaze me is your ability to see and write 23 pages of ranting lies! Not only am I amazed but so are all of our friends and family who have read your crap. Not only do you use your own name, Dean Andrew Kantis, but you also use your aliases. Don’t criminals use alias names?!!!
As for you addressing my son, Spiro, in your blog and telling him to stop listening to his “daddy” and be a man, Spiro is more of a man that you will ever be! He is well respected and loved by many. He’s intelligent and God fearing – both of which you are not. If you had a brain in your head, you would address all your energy to your wife and child and give them the love that you never had. Unlike you, Spiro has a father that gives a damn! After taking the time to read some of your craziness, I have researched thru the doctors I work with and have concluded that you are a serious personality disorder – Narcissistic to be specific. Look it up and you will find that it is true. Dean, you need help. While you’re getting it, why don’t you eat a Carnation Breakfast Bar!
Let’s set the record straight, shall we?
* Lie #1 You can see, and you can see good. You just wanted to extort money from my husband as did your mother Cassandra Gordon (see attached email).
* Lie #2 You must have been really bad in math! My husband, Nick Caro, has not had 50+ lawsuits. The majority of claims were frivolous and unfounded, such as yours, and were dismissed or withdrawn. We live in a litigious world and after 23 years of stellar medical practice, it is not uncommon nor a surprise that Nick has been sued. Unfortunately every physician in one capacity or another is sued.
*Lie # 3 First of all, my husband was not raised by your grandmother; he had a mother and a father as well as plenty of extended family who helped raise him.
*Lie #4 My husband has been raised to respect his elders. He has never been disrespectful, and for you to accuse him of cussing out your grandmother is totally absurd! How dare you?!
*Lie # 5 The doctors you are blasting on the internet are fine well respected physicians, and you should be ashamed of yourself for dragging them in your delusions.
These are just a handful of your lies! I could probably write 23 pages like you - but unlike you, I have a life! It is full of love, family and friends – all of which you, unfortunately, have no idea. What does your wife Jennifer Kantis ( think about all of this? Does she condone your behavior? Or was she sick and tired of you typing blogs at night instead of making love to her that she got smart, picked up and left your sorry ass? Let me add, where do you get off talking about my husband’s personal affairs whether it’s about his sister or his mother? You don’t know the details of these family affairs – nor is it any of your business. I do believe that all of this concern for family probably arose when your mother took you away from your father in the middle of the night from Atlanta to St. Louis. This fact was told to me by my mother-in-law, God rest her soul. You seem to be projecting this action by your mother Cassandra Earle to our family.
This will be the first and last time I ever address you Dean. I would appreciate it very much if you would cease all of your personal attacks on our family and move on with your life. You are obviously a very sick man-psychologically! There are excellent and competent psychiatrists out there that can help you with your illness. You are obviously depressed, and are in serious need of anti-depressants. Call your Internist and get a referral. Maybe then, you can start enjoying life. Don’t keep blaming Nick for all of your problems. I urge you to get help!